Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Devil??? Satan????

Im a little irritated right now. Sick of people saying that the Devil fools us into thinking he isn't real or fools us into following him when were not. I am tired of other religions telling me my faith is wrong. I do not worship a different God I just choose to worship the Goddess as well and believe that our Earth is our temple. How is this so wrong? I do not understand how people are still so closed minded as to believe that we are still in the days of Salem. And honestly I do now know of one single true witch that was burned at the stake! That was just a bunch of creative kids running their mouths. True Pagans are not the mean wart covered dancing with the devil sacrificing humans or animals people we are believed to be. It is a religion based on harm none! And the three-fold law meaning whatever you send out comes back to you times 3!! How are we the evil ones? How is reading the stars and using herbs for healing and worshiping God and Mother Earth sooo evil!?? I want thoughts on this please comment below even if your not pagan!

Monday, December 10, 2012

10 wk course for Pk's!

I wanted to post about introducing kids into Wicca! I have always taught my children about respecting nature and earth and to enjoy nature and savor it. But I didn't raise them Wiccan. Because all of my,her and my fiancee's families do not believe in it as no one else around here they are very closed minded. And also I wanted them to be a little older so they weren't at school screaming their mommy was a Witch!! Anyways my 3 oldest girls have been in training for a little while now and I wanted to give my thoughts on introducing it! We have always been a fan of movies that have anything to do with the craft or supernatural, and my kids know I am very close to Earth and all. I sat them down and explained but being Wiccan meant to me. How special Earth and nature are to me. I explained about the moon and stars. Then I started them off simple with the elements. I wrote down on index cards each card only one of the elements then the direction and some attributes. A lost of items that are of the element. Then I gave them a basket and one day we worked on Earth.. they had to walk around finding items that represented Earth and ask to borrow these items and give thanks for them. They loved it! It was so much fun and it made me feel soooo much more connected to Earth and The Craft as well! I truly recommend this! Even if you don't have kids or if your kids don't practice, load up go to a park or the forest or lake ect. And walk around enjoy the sights sounds smells of Earth. Look for neat little treasures that represent the Elements. You will feel so much more intuned! Right now my kids are still young and have a lot of homework so we are doing one lesson a week. Here is a guideline of my kids studies that I hope you can find use of! Blessed Be!!  Myst Feary Moonchild

Week 1- Elements-
     Have them search for items that represent the elements, remember to ask before taking an item!

Week 2- The God-
Now allot of people worship a wide varity or one or two everyone leans towards one or another so Im not going to specify one God here. Just in general.
Explain to them what the God means to you, who you worship, teach them a little prayer and let them give him an offering every night.

1. The horned god runs in the night,
And hunts among the stars,
May he watch over and keep us safe,
No matter where we are.
2. Lord of night, welcome me as I sleep.
Guide me in the darkness,
and protect me as I dream.

Week 3- The Goddess-
Same as with the God explain who the Goddess is and let them give offerings to her everynight and say a prayer.

Child's Bedtime Prayer

Now I lay me down to rest
Goddess guard my little nest
Like the wee bird in the tree
Lovely Goddess, care for me.

Above, below, and round about
Keep all evil spirits out
Bless those I love, and bless me too.
Dearest Goddess, I love you!

You could even print this and frame for them!

Please see the tab above titled Pk prayers! (Pagen Kids) For alot more!
week 4- colors-
     As simply put for young ones as I can:

 White corresponds to spirituality, cleansing, purity, perfection, innocence, integrity, healing, freedom, opportunity, forgiveness, and acceptance. It is also a color of simple power. White carries the powers of all the colors. It can be directed towards almost any use, and can enhance the power of other color magic in spell work. It helps eliminate negative energy and creates inner peace. 


Black corresponds to death, the Underworld, grounding, stability, mystery, and witchcraft. Black absorbs negative energy. Many people shy away from using black in magic, even going as far as to say "never use black". I do not hold to this. With its powerful associations to mystery and the underworld, black makes a powerful addition to any spell of divination or protection. Black is the color of the Crone aspect of the Triple Goddess.


 Red corresponds to the Element fire, the Root Chakra, the God Ares, Mars, love, passion, self-confidence, success, strength, creativity, persistence, energy, and vitality. It is often used in healing spells. It is also associated with grounding (the Root Chakra), and with any powerful emotion. Red is the color of the Mother Aspect of the Triple Goddess.


Pink corresponds to love, nurturing, tenderness, sensitivity, harmony, femininity and innocence. While red is associated with  love, pink corresponds to the gentler aspects of these emotions.


Orange corresponds to The Sacral (Navel) Chakra, harvest time, happiness, excitement, assertiveness, motivation, persistence, and prosperity. Orange is useful in eliminating procrastination, anxiety, and stress. It is also helpful when trying to divine solutions or new ways of accomplishing your goals.


Yellow corresponds to the Solar Plexus Chakra, the Sun and Sun God(s), joy, cheerfulness, intellect, hope, direction, personal power, clear thinking, concentration, fruitfulness, and communication. It can also correspond to fear and treachery (this can be useful for banishing them). This is a case where the shade of color can make a big difference: Bright yellows tend to carry the positive aspects, while pale or muddy yellows tend to carry the negative.


Green corresponds to the Heart Chakra, the Earth Goddess, the Element Earth, the Green Man (or Horned God), nature, wealth, abundance, longevity, and healing. Dirty or muddy green corresponds to envy, hate, and sickness (a "sickly green", so to speak). When representing with the Earth Goddess, green will almost always appear along with blue. Green is especially useful in color magic spells for healing and for wealth drawing.


Blue corresponds to the Throat Chakra, the Element Water, communication, creativity, integrity, calm, truth, loyalty, justice, leadership and clear thinking. It is used to represent the Earth Goddess when paired with green (the green land and blue seas).


Indigo corresponds to the Brow ( Third Eye) Chakra, idealism, justice, wisdom, inspiration, intuition, spirituality, psychic powers, and the understanding of things. It can also be used in color magic to help reduce phobias and stress.

Violet or Purple

Violet (or Purple) corresponds to The Crown Chakra, inspiration, spirituality, the sacred, selflessness, tolerantence, intuition, imagination, royalty, wealth, inner peace, security, protection, creativity, freedom, and personal responsibility. It is most often used in spells for protection and psycic ability.


Brown corresponds to grounding, good health, hard work, stability, reward from effort, and earth. Like white, it has the power to enhance other colors in color magic.


Gold corresponds to the Sun, masculine energy, success, money, abundance, power, positivity, confidence, self-motivation, self-discipline, generosity, enlightenment and manifestation. The color is very useful is spells for success, wealth, and self-confidence. Note that Fool's Gold, or Iron Pyrite, has this power (despite of the negativity of the name) and is frequently used for drawing wealth.


Silver corresponds to the Moon, feminine energy, balance, harmony, change, learning, introspection, confidence, wealth, secrets, hidden desires and intuition. It is very useful in divination and meditation. It is also useful for tapping into and increasing your psychic power and/or intuition. On occasion, silver is used for money drawing spells.


Grey corresponds to morning, sorrow, humility, doubt and uncertainty. It would generally not be used in ritual except during funerary rites.

Week 5-Book of Shadows-
Now you can make with them a book of shadows and put into it all the notes and prayers and information yall have gathered. Explain to them what the BOS is what to do with it and what to put in it! Look around here on m blog for othe usefull things to put into the BOS, Print out a copy of the Wiccan Rede and explain it to them, the three-fold Law, The other laws....

Week 6-Magikal Name-
Take a break and let them have fun coming up with a name for themselves.

Week 7- Make a wand-
Go ot into nature and find the materials needed to make them their own wand. Explain to them what it is how it is used what it means and that it is theirs alone.

Week 8- Altar-
Teach them about Altar tools make/get the tools teach maybe 1-2 tools aday and set them an altar up!

Week 9-Cast a circle-
Teach them the proper way to cast a circle and when to cast. Explain to them what the circle does and means.

Week 10-Spell work-
After all this time learning I think they have earned it. Let them cast a circle and work a spell or two! They are ready if they have applied themselves. Here are a few starter spells for kids!!

Sharing Magic with Children

Kids usually enjoy creating their own spells. Here are some simple guidelines that will help them cast safe and effective spells:
  • Do no harm. This is the prime directive of all spell-casting. It extends to all life, and that means animals, insects, and plants as well as people.
  • Believe that what you're doing is possible. Without this belief, you won't get the results you desire.
  • Be clear about your intention and goal. Always ask yourself, “Exactly what do I want?”
  • Back your spell with positive emotion. The more strongly you can feel your spell coming true, the quicker you'll get results.
  • Keep your request simple. Stick to one wish at a time.
  • Always state your wishes in the present tense and in a positive way that describes the end result you desire.
  • If you're doing a spell for another person, make sure you have that person's permission. Even if you're trying to help someone else, and even if you have the person's best interests at heart, always ask first.
  • Have fun. Spells should always be done in the spirit of happiness and adventure. They're meant to be empowering, and part of empowerment is to enjoy what you're doing while you're doing it.
  • Read, read, read. Nonfiction books about magic and spell-casting will bolster your practical skills. Fiction will enable you to experience the magic.
  • Don't give up. If your spells don't seem to be working, follow the remedies suggested earlier. Revise your spells, reword them, and develop an inner awareness of what you're doing and why.
The guidelines children should follow when doing magic are the same as those for adults. The rules don't change as you grow up. That's because magic isn't a game (although it can certainly be fun). It's a worldview, a way of being, and a lifelong pursuit.

Faery House SpellFrom Baby Magic by Vidar Andrewson - Mind Fire
If you have access to a forest this one is cool.
Go out to the forest  and assist your child in building a home for the faeryfolk there. Don't use two-by-fours but branches instead. Make it as elaborate as you wish. Tell your children that sometimes the faeryfolk take on the form of animals and will move into the home you've built for them. To lure them into the home put a variety of fruits and vegetables inside and a note to them stating that you've built this home for them and if they wish they can grant you your wishes. When the winter  snows start piling up they will be very happy you've built them a home and stocked it with food. They may feel grateful enough to grant you your wishes.

                                            Money Spell
  • A square of green paper
  • Nine pennies
  • An envelope
Do this spell outside, under a tree. Take the piece of paper and write on it how much money you would like to have come your way -- although you can put any amount there, be realistic and reasonable. Fold the paper three times, and then place it in the envelope. Add the pennies. Say:
"Nine cents to make prosperity flow. Nine pennies to multiply, nine pennies to grow."
Seal the envelope, and draw a dollar sign on the outside. Bury the envelope under the tree (be careful not to get too close to the roots!), and cover up the hole. Ask the tree to keep watch over your pennies. Money should start coming your way soon.

Spell for a Secret Wish

  • 1 pen or pencil
  • Paper
  • Your power object
  • 1 gold candle
  • Any time
Write a secret wish — something you want but haven't told anyone else about — on a piece of paper. Sign your wish, fold it three times, and place it under your power object. Keep your wish simple and straightforward. Set a gold candle beside your power object. As you light the candle, say:
My wish goes out
Free of doubt,
Lit by the flame
That bears my name.
Let the candle burn down naturally, in a safe place. When it has finished burning, carefully burn the piece of paper to release your wish into the cosmos.

The Magic Box

  • A box with a lid
  • Slips of paper
  • Color pens or markers
  • Magazine pictures, colored paper, stickers, other decorations
  • Glue
  • During the waxing moon
Everyone in the family can participate in this spell. You'll need a shoebox or a similar container that's small enough to fit on a shelf but large enough to accommodate lots of wishes. Decorate the box however you like, using positive images that appeal to you. Write words on it. Draw pictures. The point is to personalize the box. On the top, write the words: The Magic Box.

Do you have a private wish that you don't want to share with anyone else? Create your own, personal magic box and keep it in a secret place. Write your wishes on slips of paper and date them, then put them in your box. Periodically, go through your magic box and remove wishes that have come true or that are no longer priorities for you.
Put the box in place where everyone in the family has access to it and can see it when they enter the house. When the box is completely decorated, ask each member of the family to write one wish on a slip of paper and read it aloud to the others. Place the wishes in the box.
Sharing your wishes with each other galvanizes the family's collective energy. This builds momentum and attracts what you want more quickly. As each wish comes true, remove it from the box. Then make another wish and slip it into the box.
Designate someone in the family to keep a master record of each wish, the date it was put into the box, and the date it materialized. This gives you a clear idea of how long it takes to manifest what you want. Remember, you have to be willing to back up your intentions with effort in the real world if you want them to come true.

Dream Magic

Before you go to sleep at night, say your wish aloud three times. If you like, you can write your wish on a piece of paper and put it under your pillow. Ask to have a dream that offers insights or guidance about how you can make your wish come true. Make a suggestion to yourself that you will remember the dream and understand its meaning.
You may have to repeat this several nights in a row, but eventually you'll have a dream that guides you toward fulfilling your objective. Pay attention to details. Who was in it? What was going on? What time of the year was it? What were you wearing? These details often hold clues about when the wish will come true and in what form it will appear.

Spell to Bring a Lost Pet Home

  • Photo of your pet or an effigy that symbolizes it
  • 4 white candles
  • A pinch of vervain
  • A pinch of myrrh
  • A pinch of sage
  • As needed
Put the photo of your pet (or its effigy) in a prominent place. Set the four white candles at the four corners of the picture. Sprinkle the herbs around the picture or effigy. As you light the candles, hold your pet's image in your mind. Imagine a sphere of pure white light surrounding your pet, protecting it from harm.
Visualize your pet coming home safely, in good health. See your pet trotting across your yard or sitting on your doorstep. Feel the joy you'll experience when this happens. Put your emotion into the visualization, and then say the following:
(Pet's name) comes home to me,
Together we shall happy be.
Healthy and safe,
no longer a waif.
(Pet's name) comes home to me,
Thank you and so mote it be.
Let the candles burn down in a safe place. Keep your pet's photo or effigy displayed until your animal returns home. Then bury it in the backyard, so that your pet will always remain close to home.

Your Power Object

  • A favorite object
  • Any time
When Swiss psychologist Carl Jung was a child, he found a smooth stone that he kept in a matchbox. He confided in the stone. He told the stone his deepest secrets. He carried it around with him. Years later, in his autobiography, Memories, Dreams, Reflections, Jung movingly described his experiences with this stone, the magic that he associated with it, and the power with which he imbued it.

A stone, piece of wood, or figurine doesn't possess inherent power: It is powerful only because you make it so. Its magic originates in you, with your intent and your passion. Your power object is a symbol of your own personal power and your magical intentions.
Choose an object that appeals to you. The object should be three-dimensional — a stone, for instance, rather than a picture of a stone — and it should have some sort of personal meaning. It should also be small enough to carry easily in a pocket, purse, or backpack. If you love horses and dream of owning one, a figurine of a horse could be an ideal power object. Crystals, stones, and shells make excellent power objects. So do figures of angels, unicorns, dolphins, and mythical gods and goddesses.
After you've selected an object, wash it with mild soap and water, and then set it in the sun to clear and charge it. Give it a name. Sleep with it under your pillow overnight. In the morning, speak to the object and tell it what you want it to do. It's now imbued with power and will help you in performing magic spells.

Balloon Magic

  • 1 balloon
  • Helium
  • 1 pen that will write on fabric
  • Colored ribbon
  • Any time
Decide on an intention, and then choose a ribbon in a color that symbolizes your wish. Go to a fabric store and pick out the ribbon. Next, visit a store that sells party supplies and purchase a helium-filled balloon. Select a color that represents your intention.
Take the balloon home or to a place where you'll release it. Write your intention on the ribbon. (If the child is too young to write, an adult or older child can write the wish for her.) Keep the wish simple. Tie the ribbon on the balloon. As you let go of the balloon, say the wish aloud. The higher the balloon goes before you lose sight of it, the greater the chances of the wish coming true.

Pet Protection Spell

  • A collar for your pet
  • A marker that will write on fabric or leather
  • Amber essential oil
  • Any time
Purchase a new collar, made of leather or fabric, for your pet. On the inside of the collar, write: “[Pet's name] is safe and sound at all times.” Draw a pentagram — a five-pointed star with a circle around it — at the end of the statement. The pentagram is a symbol of protection. On the outside of the collar, write your name and phone number.
Put four drops of essential oil on the collar, one at each end, on both sides of the collar. Place the collar in the sun for one day to charge it. Then fasten the collar on your pet to keep him safe.
(To be extra safe, get tags made for your pet that include your name, address, phone number, and other pertinent information. Ask your vet about having a computer chip permanently implanted in your pet's skin that will identify him to city pounds, veterinarian's offices, and other agencies with scanners that can read such chips.)

Tarot for Kids

With thousands of tarot decks in existence, everyone can find a deck that's right for them. Choosing a deck is a personal matter; none is better than another. Kids are often drawn to tarot decks illustrated with mythological creatures, such as dragons, unicorns, elves and faeries, or those that include animals.
Children usually enjoy the tarot's colorful imagery. They may not be able to comprehend all the occult meanings, but they respond quickly to the symbolism. The immediate impressions a child gets when gazing at a card can be amazingly accurate. Storytelling decks, which depict scenarios that describe the cards' meanings, are easier to use than the antique decks that feature only numbers and suit symbols on the pip cards.

Some designers have created tarot decks specifically with young people in mind. These decks feature contemporary themes such as action adventure heroes, Goth goddesses, and cat people. Other decks are based on favorite legends and fairytales. There's even a Gummy Bear Tarot!
Many magic spells involve the use of tarot cards. Choosing cards to represent intentions can help young people relate to the meanings of the individual cards. Your child might also like to draw a card each morning to see what the day has in store for him. This practice helps hone the child's divination skills and lets him observe his inner guidance at work.

Discreetly Pagen

Hello again everyone!! I'm feeling better today so I wanted to post. As we're moving into our new home and I am decorating one thing that's always presented a problem to me and others I know is how to incorporate your religion in your home without being asked a million questions and judged when other non believers or people that don't understand come over. My big thing is my fiancées family are all very very religious and think my Craft is following satan, No!! But I try to be discreet with them about it because they do not understand and I have other things to argue about with them!! Also i have 6 kids! and of course they have friends over and i am not one that is going to force my beliefs down someone else's kids throat and confuse them! So I thought I wld give a few tips on how to be discreet about your path without sacrificing!! Here are a few pictures if my home, one thing you can do is a lot or a few candles! They are found in almost everyone's home what's more discrete than that! I scribe the element symbols into mine but you don't have to you cld also do this on the bottom where there is no chance of someone seeing!! Also I have a ton of seashells in my home as decor for many reasons 1 the element I am most connected to is water I have a love for seashells they also connect you with earth as well and we love the beach! So here are a few pictures to incorporate seashells! Also I have a amazing candle holder that represents Earth as well for the fact it's shape and design and its sterling silver but I fill each candle holder with sea salt one its pretty two having an open container of sea slat or regular salt although I prefers sea because its more pure with capture all the negative energy in your home and trap in the salt then about 2 times a month unless you see it change color and get dirty then do more often take outside and demand the negativity and darkness trapped within be released to the ground where it belong to never return and bury it just a few inches in the ground and refill it! Also plants are a great Pagen decor! They are Earth!! And very discrete!! Plus they connect you to Earth when you tend your plants!! Another neat little trick which I haven't had the chance yet as I will ASAP cause I love this..... Do you have some sort of lil bottle or container that you just love even tho you don't know why or just cause it looks awesome? Fill it with rain water or holy water aka salt water blessed!! You can put the lid on it for decor or keep the lid off and it will banish negativity dispel darkness and drive away evil!!! Plus it looks cool u can even add some food coloring to make it look better and it will not affect with purity of the water! Also for a clear container or other you can put some nice looking pebbles or stones set bulbs or garlic cloves on top of the rocks root down of course and add water for nice indoor flowers that is Earth!! Water fountains these are neat the represent water also provide energy! pictures of animals or scenery! nuts and fruits! Here are some pictures there are endless possibilities have fun with it! Post some pictures on here to show how creative you are!!!

Thursday, December 6, 2012

I'm back

I'm so sorry I haven't posted in awhile we moved and that took forever and then I just had a major surgery so I do apologize for not posting much lately. I am working on a post tho it shld be up tomorrow. A lil to prepare you for the Holiday that is upon us;)

Saturday, December 1, 2012


Besides its obvious use in the kitchen (what would pickles be without dill!), dill has a number of magickal uses as well. Both the herbal parts and the seeds can be used. It's best known for its protective power, but is also used in spells for love (and lust) as well as money and prosperity.

During the Middle Ages, dill was a common ingredient for charms to protect against witches and witchcraft. The most common way to use dill for protection is to hang dried bundles of the herbs around your house.

Crowns of dill were used by Roman emperors to ensure they had a long and prosperous reign.

In very old books of magickal writings, any spells written with ingredients like Hamadryas baboon tears or baboon hair was actually referring to dill seed.

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

A few useful spells


When: Full Moon

1x Red Candle
1x Purple Candle
1x White Candle
1x Silk Rope (any length and thickness)


Cast your circle
Light the candles and lay the rope on your altar
Chant as you tie a knot in the rope:

"With this rope I bind thine power,
to be mine for second or hour.
To make me strong when I am week.
To give me wisdom that I seek.
To give me courage as not to flee.
Thine will be done, so mot it be."

Keep the rope with or near you to receive the power and courage you requested, but only use these gifts for selfless reasons and remember the Threefold Law.

Protect a traveler-
This is a spell I came up with, very short. It is meant for a parting, when someone is leaving you for any length of time and you wish them safely there and back. I do this when my family or friends travel long distances. While touching or thinking of the person speak these words.

"From this hour until your return,
this candle of hope I will let burn.
My lord and lady, watch over you.
Keep you safe, from harms view.
From now until you return to me.
This is my will, so mote it be

The other variation of this spell is the same words only each night before I sleep I light a gold and silver candle and let it burn for three minutes as I speak the spell. I usually do this if those I am doing this for are going to be gone for a long period of time.

Lay down in a dark place in whatever position feels most comfortable to you.
Visualize the darkness surrounding you glowing with a soft golden light.
As you inhale deeply, breathe that light into you and cleanse yourself with it.
See the light removing all impurities and disturbances.
Visualize the problems and disharmonies as a sickly green light.
As you exhale, this light comes forth from your mouth, taking with it all the bad things.
Do this until the light coming from your mouth is only golden. All the green is gone.
Now, as you continue to breath slowly and deeply, visualize yourself descending a staircase.
With each step you take, feel your consciousness spread out a little more.
When you feel as though you are in tune with your surroundings, come to the bottom of the staircase.
Ahead of you see a long hallway that never stops. Staggered along this hall are doors.
Behind every door is a different peaceful scene.
If you want tranquility, open a door to a tranquil scene.

Behind it you will feel the love that you will get from your intended.
For wealth, visualize you making money in what ever way and it will happen so.

Home blessing -
Touch the lintel and touch the wall,
Nothing but blessings here befall!
Bless the candle that stands by itself,
Bless the book on the mantle shelf,
Bless the pillow for the tired head,
Bless the hearth and the light shed.
Friends who tarry here, let them know
A three fold blessing before they go.
Sleep for weariness - peace for sorrow
Faith in yesterday and tomorrow.
Friends who go from here, let them bear
The blessing of hope, wherever they fare.
Lintel and windows, sill and wall,
Nothing but good, this place befall.

This is a typical Blessing for a new home however You can do this anytime in any home that you would like to bless. i recommend doing this as you walk throughout the entire part of your home and smudgy with Sage you can also complement it by Burning your favorite and sent in every room i hope some of these are useful and I hope you enjoy blessed be!

Monday, November 5, 2012

Pick me ups

Last one for today lol ;) maybe!!!
I bought a book for my little girl who is struggling with ADHD bipolar mixed severe with psychosis and anxiety, and I found some of this applies to all of us through our journey in life and our spiritual journey hope you like!!

After all you have to have the right attitude to make anything work whether it be spells incantations or happiness