Casting,banshing a circle ECT.

Casting, banishing a circle and elements.....

Anytime you are going to cast a spell or do any magick workings you will cast a circle, call the Elements, call the God and Goddess, ect. This is how you do those things and in the PRECISE ORDER! This is important that you do these steps in order as listed below.

1.)Cast the circle
2.)Call the Elements
3.)Call the God
4.)Call the Goddess
5.)Spell work
6.)Release the Elements
7.)Bid thanks and farewell to the God/Goddess
8.)Pull up the circle
9.)Grounding and reflection
10.) Put away supplies & write in BOS

I call it my 10 step Magick work checklist. It would benefit you greatly to copy this and put it in your B.O.S.
Here are all the details there are many ways to do each of these things but here are some simple methods that work great.

1.) Cast your circle:

The circle has meaning from ancient times. It is used to portray wholeness, eternity, protection and containment. Casting a circle is often overlooked by newcomers of Wicca, but is a very important aspect. As you begin your quest for enlightenment, forces (not always looking out for your best interests) may be attracted to your newfound energy. When you practice a ritual, a circle should be cast. It is the first step of every other ritual.

This is purely just an example. It can be as extravagent or simple as you want it. The only requirements are yourself, knowledge of what you're doing, and spirituality. This is an example of a simple circle, just using the elements to be called upon. Some Wiccans call on specific Deities, watchtowers, elementals, etc. So this is pretty basic but gets the job done quite well.
        Begin with a purified space. If you have altar tools, use the Besom and sweep clock-wise or counter-clockwise three times depending on the phase of the moon. If you own a smudge stick you can smudge the area. Salt can be used to purify and ground evil. If you don't own a Besom, smudge stick, or (for some reason) do not own any salt, don't be down. Just bless the area and physically clean it.
        Most Wiccans like using objects to physically invoke the elements. I've come to enjoy using a secondary set as well. The first that I use, and the most popular I've sensed of most Wiccans, is a set of candles. The colors, designs, scents, or inscriptions should correspond to the given element. You can get the color of candle that corresponds with the element or you can draw the elements symbol into the candle.
       For the secondary set, I'll use the altar tools mentioned with each element. For Air, I'll light incense; Fire, use the wand or athame to point southward or cut sacrificial bread with or or just light a candle; Water, have a goblet of water that I pour purifying herbs into, or take a drink of water or hold a sea shell; and Earth, sprinkle salt around the perimiter of the circle,or hold salt in your hand or dirt. For Spirit, I personally feel that it relies more on the body itself, so I only use the candle and I have a pentagram I will hold in my dominate hand while I call upon it. However, if you wish to add a secondary invocation object, it is totally your choice.
       Set up your circle in the cleansed space. If you're doing it with more than one person, seperate the candles wide enough so you can all fit within the circle. Place secondary objects (if used) to the side of the candle they go with, and place the spirit candle in the center. Remember to figure out the directions around you so that each element candle is placed in the correct corner. (Air in the East-most point, Fire in the South-most point, etc.)

Begin by making sure you have all of the tools you’ll need within reach inside the circle so as not to break the circle. A circle is be cast by a Wiccan’s own energy projection and it also may be physically outlined with stones, herbs, candles, sprinkled salt or water.
First stand quietly in the center of your proposed circle (Or you may sit). After a moment of meditation and when you are ‘centered’(focused,calm,ready), raise your hands up(or your wand or staff) and take a deep breath and imagine drawing the energy of the universe into yourself (or your wand/staff). Next walk to (or face) the north point of your circle and walk (or turn) clockwise around the edge until you get back to your starting point. While you walk (turn), project energy with your wand, knife, or forefinger of your dominant hand (the hand your write with/use the most) by visualizing an intense blue-white light.
As you walk and repeat the following affirmation.
My circle is filled with Spirit and Light, and all things that are Holy and Right.”

2.) Call upon the Elements:

To begin the actual invocation, a prayer orshort spell may be used for each element to welcome it. You'll begin with the prayer for air, light the candle, move on to Fire, light the candle, etc.

The East corresponds with the element of Air, representing the mind, intellect, the ability to reason, the power to Know. It's time is first morning light in the springtime, Its' color is yellow and its' tool is the wand.
Hail Guardians of the East,
I summon the powers of Air!
Windswept meadow,
Breath of life,
Fantastic torrent removing strife,
With Clarity, the power to Know,
We invoke you!
(Participants should take a moment to focus on their breath, feeling the powers of air in their lungs and body while examining the idea of clarity and knowing.)
By the air that is Her breath,
Be with us now!

The South corresponds to the element of Fire, representing passion, energy, and the powers of fierce change, and Will. It's time is high noon in the summertime. Its' color is red, and its tools are the athamé and the sword.
Hail Guardians of the South,
I summon the powers of Fire!
Blazing flame,
Crackling fire,
The quickened pulse of heart's desire,
With Energy, the power of Will,
We invoke you!
(Participants may dance vigorously or make energetic noise, raising energy.)
By the fire that is Her spirit,
Be with us now!

The West corresponds to the element of Water, representing the Deep self, emotions, intuition, and the power to Dare. It's time is the twilight of sunset in the autumn. Its' color is the blue of the oceans, and its' tool is the chalice.
Hail Guardians of the West,
I summon the powers of Water!
Rushing stream,
Vast, dark ocean,
Poetry of the soul in motion,
With Intuition, feeling, the power to Dare,
We invoke you!
(Dancing languidly or simply calling up old emotions may be utilized here.)
By the Waters of Her womb,
Be with us now!

The North corresponds to the element of Earth, representing the powers of stability, birth, death, and the power to keep Silent. It's time is midnight in the dead of winter. Its' colors are green and black, and its' primary tool is the pentacle.
Hail Guardians of the North,
We summon the powers of Earth!
Cave of darkness,
Standing stone,
the celebration of flesh and bone,
With Stillness, the power of silence,
We invoke you!
(A strong moment of silence, feeling the body.)
By the Earth that is Her body,
Be with us now!


The Center corresponds to the element of Spirit, Ether, or Force, and represents the Deep Self in harmonic resonance with the other two layers of the human soul, namely Talking Self, and the fetch. It is that which connects the directions at the center, immanence, transcendence, and life which survives death. Its' colors are violet, white, or black, and its' tool is the cauldron, symbol of transformation.
As above, so below.
As within, so without.
Four stars in this place be,
Combined to call the fifth to me!
Circumference and center,
Woven together,
To make the circle complete!

3.) call upon the God-

This you say as you light the God candle.....

I invoke and call upon thee O Father God,
Lord of the Sun, Master of all that is wild and free.
I invite you to my circle;
Touch us, change us, make us whole.


4.) Call upon the Goddess-
Say this as you light the Goddess candle......

I invoke and call upon thee O Mother Goddess,
who shines for all, who flows through all.
Maiden, Mother and Crone,
I invite you to my circle;
Touch us, change us, make us whole.


5.) Spell work-

Now you can do your spell work.

6.) Release the Elements-

Start with the last element you called in and work  counterclockwise . You must go in reverse to release. Extinguish the candle for the element and say .......
Thank you (fire,water,earth,air)_element for attending my circle. (now in a firm voice)  I bid thee farewell go back to your (north,east,west,south,) watchtower from wench you came.
Do this for each element. For the Spirit Element it will be a little different......
Extinguish the flame of the Spirit element and say...
I release you thank you for attending. Go now!

7.)Bid farewell to the God/Goddess

Start with the Goddess  say..... as you extinguish the candle.
Thank you for attending my circle and blessing me with your beauty and grace and protection. You are free to go if you must but are welcome to stay.

Then with the God say..... as you extinguish the candle.
Thank you for attending my circle and blessing me with your masculinity and strength and protection. You are free to go if you must but are welcome to stay.

8.)Pull up the circle-
Now you go counterclockwise and pull up the circle the same way you cast it but now see the light leaving the circle and going back into your tool.

9.)Grounding and reflection-
Now it is time to release all the extra energy you have, so that you can maintain a healthy balance. Go outside and sit cross legged on the ground and put your hands flat and firm palm facing down on the ground and see this brilliant white light within yourself forming this is all the extra energy see it collect and run down your arms and out through  your hands and back into the earth from wince it came. (You can also do this by eating and drinking something, hugging a friend, patting yourself all over your body or visualizing roots growing into the ground to steady you.)

10.) Put away the supplies and write in your Bos-Write down what you did, how you did it, how you felt, and over the next few days take notice if its working, if so write down how and what happened.