Yes it has been awhile since my last post, honestly too long!! Recently a follower left a comment wanting me to get off my lazy but lol ( my words not theirs) and post!! Thank you my friend honestly I needed it in many ways!! So I figured now was a good time to talk about making time for your faith everyday. I know in today's world it's hard between all the kids,(me 5 kids!) and work, errands, kids activities, cleaning, doc spots and everything else a lot of people think they don't have time for religion mainly for Wicca because its thought by many to be a very time consuming faith. That requires allot. Honestly you guys that's not so!! You don't have to do big rituals or cast everyday,week, or ever!! That's the wonderful thing about being Wiccan its your religion make it yours! Do what feels right when it feels right and however often! It's really good to incorporate your faith into your life everyday though!! But honestly it's way easier than you think!! You can do simple things everyday. If you like to walk spend that time to notice nature around you feel the elements presents and be one with them. Meditate for just a few minutes a day a great way to Start your day is with a little morning meditation. Pray to the God and Goddess every day when you need encouragement keys or strength replace your offerings on your altar daily practice daily grounding shielding and controlling your energy. As your cleaning your house do a sage smudge around the home to clear of negative energies. You can incorporate your faith into cooking, say a nice little blessing over your meal as you sprinkle when all the yummy treats that make it wonderful! You can do as little or as much as you like .There are no rules. Do what feels right to your self. Just remember you need to put in as much into this faith as you expect to take from it. Here are 13 goals of a Wiccan that you might find interesting...
Number one no your self this one is important you cannot know anything if you don't know your self
Number to know your craft study it learned and except as much of it as you can
Number three learn I have been practicing for a long time and yet every day I learn something new possibilities are endless if you're willing to learn
Number four apply knowledge with wisdom
Number five achieve balance
Number six keep your words in good order
Number seven keep your thoughts in good order
Number eight celebrate life whether you're going through rough time or great time you're alive celebrate
Number nine Attune with the cycles of the earth to man to mother nature experience Earth for all that she has to offer
Number 10 breathe and eat correctly
Number 11 exercise your body
Number 12 meditate every day if possible but that depends on you
And number 13 last but certainly not least honor the Goddess and God
Here is this for now and I promise to be posting more today and I will not go away again I have missed you all thank you for awakening me!!!
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