Witch's Rede

Wiccan Rede

       The Wiccan Rede is the main go-to for Wiccans. It sets out the guidelines and 'rules'. Here I give the rede with a step-by-step explanation at the bottom. Note that the Rede is not usually numbered. That is my own work.

1. Bide ye Wiccan Law ye must
In perfect love and perfect trust.

2. Live ye must and let to live.
Fairly take and fairly give.

3. Tread the circle thrice about
to keep unwelcome spirits out.

4. To bind ye spell well every time
let the spell be spake in rhyme.

5. Light of eye and soft and soft of touch.
Speak ye little, listen much.

6. Honor the old ones in deed and name.
Let love and light be our guides again.

7. Deosil by the waxing moon.
Sing and dance the Wiccan tune.
Widdershins when the moon doth wane
and the werewolf howls by the dread wolfsbane.

8. When the Lady's moon is new
kiss the hand to her times two.
When the moon rides at her peek,
then ye heart's desire seek.

9. Heed the North wind's mighty gale.
Lock the door and trim the sail.
When the wind blows from the East,
expect the new and set the feast.
 When the wind blows from the South,
love will kiss you on the mouth.
And when the wind blows from the West,
all hearts will find peace and rest.

10. Nine woods 'neath the cauldron glow.
Burn them fast and burn them slow.
Birch into the fire goes
To represent what the lady knows.
 Oak in the forest towers with might.
In the fire, brings the God's insight.
Rowan, a tree of knowledge and power,
causes magic and life to flower.
 Willows by the water stand
ready to help us to Summerland.
Hawthorne is burned to purify
and draw faerie to your eye.
 Hazel, the tree of wisdom and learning
adds it's strength to the bright fire burning.
White are the leaves of the apple tree
that bring us fruits of fertility.
 Grapes grow upon the vine,
bringing us both joy and wine.
Fir does mark the Evergreen,
to represent immortality seen.
 Elder is the Lady's tree.
Burn it not or cursed you'll be.

11. Four times the major sabbats mark,
Both in the light and in the dark.
 As the old year starts to wane,
the new begins, it's now Samhain.
When the time for Imbolc shows,
watch for flowers in the snow.
 When the wheel continues to turn
Soon the Beltaine fires shall burn.
As the wheel turns to Lamma's night
power is brought to magic rite.

12. Four times the minor sabbats fall.
Use the sun to mark them all.
When the wheel turns to Yule
light the log, the horned one rules.
 In the spring when night equals day
tis time for Ostara to come our way.
When the sun has reached its height
It's time for Oak and Holly to fight.
 Havest comes to one and all
When the Autumn Equinox doth fall.

13. Heed the flower, bush, and tree,
and by the Lady, blessed you'll be.

14. Where the rippling waters flow,
cast a stone; the truth you'll know.

15. When ye have and hold a need,
harken not to others' greed.

16. With a fool no season spend,
or be counted as his friend.

17. Merry meet and merry part.
Bright the cheeks and warm the heart.

18. When misfortune is enow,
where the star upon thy brow.

19. True in love ye must ever be,
lest thy love is false to thee.

20. Mind the three fold law ye should.
Three times bad and three times good.
What ye send out comes back to thee,
so ever mind the rule of three.

21. And these eight words the Rede fulfill:
"An it harm none, do what ye will."

22. Follow this in mind and heart,
and merry meet, and merry part.

The Rede explained:    

           1. Love and trust are the two main characteristics that any Wiccan practitioner needs. Try to apply them into every part of your life. Love and trust the Wiccan ways.
           2. Everything you do, you do in your own life. You must let others make their own choices.
           3. It is said to bind a circle completely, you must go over it three times. Three is a very key number.
           4. Pretty self explanatory. Spells are best written in rhyme, not only for the divinatory purposes, also it just helps for memory.
           5. In life you must learn before you can teach. This is important.
           6. By the old ones, it refers to the God and Goddess. Everything you do, honor them thouroughly through it.
           7. During a waxing moon (period between the new and full moon) always cast circles, stir potions, etc. in a clockwise motion (deosil.) This asks for positivity to enter. During waning moons (period between the full and new moon) use the counter-clockwise motion (widdershins.) This casts out negativity.
          8. The new moon is a time for personal growth, healing, blessings, and thankfulness. Overall, a time of rest. The full moon is a time for harder spells such as protection magic, divination, or repelling unwanted influences.
          9. This describes the four earth elements and their general attributes.
         10. This is describing the nine sacred woods.
         11. The four major sabbats are called the cross-quarter days, consisting of SamhainImbolcBeltaine, and Lammas. These celebrate the seasons.
         12. The four minor sabbats fall on the equinoxes and solstices. Yule, the winter solstice; Ostara, the spring equinox;Litha, the summer solstice; and Mabon, the autumn equinox.
         13. Always be respectful of nature.
         14. Everything you do has an adverse reaction that will branch out and in one way or another effect the world, just like a stone being dropped into water. This is the truth that it speaks of.
         15. Never call upon other's greed to get out of even the most desperate situation.
         16. What's that saying? Birds of a feather... If you surround yourself with foolish people, you will be considered foolish.
         17. The merry meet line is a popular saying at any coven gathering. This line represents forgetting any negativity when you're with true friends.
         18. When times get hard, don't become jaded or hurt. Rely on your spirituality and be strong.
         19. If you remain truthful and honest, true love will work. But should you lie or cheat, don't count on your lover to remain truthful.
         20. The threefold law is essentially the same as Karma, but to a higher degree. Most Wiccans believe that whatever energy you project, will eventually come back to you threefold. This is very important to remember.
         21. "An it harm none, do what ye will." This sums up the Wicca religion quite perfectly in my opinion. Mind you 'an' means 'if', so if what you're doing poses no harm to anyone or to yourself, where is the harm? Wicca is about exploration and creativity. Just always be mindful that nothing or no one could possibly be caught in the crossfire.
         22. This just means to always remain happy in what you do. Be sure it's your passion and if it is carry that essence wherever you go and share it with whoever you meet.